Vanessa, Blue Mary, Ramon


Ramon: "...So, where in the world are we?"

Seth: "I don't know."

Ramon: "Where are we going?"

Seth: "No clue."

Ramon: "...You know, you're one hell of a guide."

Vanessa: "It looks connected to the military, at any rate."

Ramon: "Nice, Vanessa. Brains to match your beauty."

Seth: "Given that we're in a military helicopter, it kind of stands to reason."

Ramon: "Oh, shut up, Seth! Keep out of it!"

Mary: "It was an order from dispatch. We're supposed to
report on the events we witnessed at KOF, so..."

Vanessa: "From the looks of things, we're not the only ones being called here."

Ramon: "Oh, Vanessa, you're so wise."

Seth: "We've got a bunch of helicopters of the same type, all flying in the same direction."

Ramon: "Shut UP, Seth! I said to keep out of it!"

Pilot: "We'll be arriving shortly."

Mary: "...Arriving?"

Ramon: "...It's an aircraft carrier."

Mary: "Well, that I wasn't expecting."

Controller: "The last of the three KOF teams we called will be arriving by helicopter shortly, sir."

Heidern: "Thank you."

Controller: "...Commander, may I ask a question?"

Heidern: "What?"

Controller: "I know they're agents, but why would you call civilians here?"

Heidern: "...We'll need them until the next phase of the operation.
We need all the evidence we can gather from those who were there when Shion and Magaki were defeated.
After all, when you're fishing, you have to bait the hook.
...and we couldn't ask for better bait."